Orkney Housing Association
Quality Affordable Homes for Orkney


Rent and Occupancy Charge Consultation 2025

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This consultation is now closed. Thank you to all of our tenants and sharing owners who took the time to provide a response. The winners of the prize draw will be notified in due course.

Back in January 2024, we consulted you on three-options. This led to a below inflation increase of 7.5% in April 2024. We use the Retail Price Index (RPI) which is a government measure of inflation that aims to reflect the cost of living.

The recent UK Budget increased National Insurance for all employers (including OHAL). This will have a significant impact on OHAL’s finances and also on our key contractors whose cost increases will be higher than normal next year. These are just a couple of things that the Management Committee are considering.

While our Management Committee is responsible for setting rents, they will take your feedback into consideration so it’s really important that you let us know what you think. They have asked us to consult with our residents on two options, an annual and a three-year rent increase.

We have sent all tenant and sharing owner households a detailed leaflet and survey form setting out the three options, information is also available in the links below. We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete the survey.

Please follow the links below to take part in the survey and you will be entered into a prize draw to win a cash prize of either £50 or £25.

The closing date for both surveys is 5pm on Monday 20 January 2025.

Related Links:
Rent Consultation Survey - https://forms.office.com/e/zzbKa7q9Sq

Occupancy Charge Survey - https://forms.office.com/e/aJTyVG21SF

Related link: Rent & Occupancy Charge Consultation Information Leaflet
